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Training Guide: How To Train A Toy Poodle

If you’re considering bringing home a Toy Poodle, or you’re already the proud parent of one of these adorable, pint-sized pups, you’ve made an excellent choice.

Toy Poodles are renowned for their intelligence, charm, and lovable personalities, making them fantastic companions for individuals and families alike. But like all dogs, they require proper training to ensure a happy, well-behaved, and harmonious life together.

how to train a toy poodle

In this comprehensive training guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about raising and training a Toy Poodle.

We’re here to share our experiences, offer tips, and provide answers to your frequently asked questions. So, let’s get started on this exciting journey of training your Toy Poodle!

Understanding Toy Poodles

Before we get started looking at the specifics or training, it’s crucial to understand the breed that you’re dealing with.

Toy Poodles are known for their petite size, elegance, and boundless enthusiasm. They’re intelligent and eager to please, making them relatively easy to train.

However, this breed is not just about looks and smarts. Toy Poodles are social dogs, and they thrive on human interaction.

They are generally affectionate, lively, and remarkably adaptable, which means they can fit well into various living environments.

Toy Poodle Training Fundamentals

Training a Toy Poodle is all about establishing trust, consistency, and positive reinforcement.

These intelligent little pups respond better to praise, treats, and affection, which makes training a genuinely rewarding experience for both you and your fur baby.

Potty Training

One of the first and most vital aspects of training is potty training. Your Toy Poodle needs to understand where it’s appropriate to do their business.

Here’s how you can achieve that:

  • Establish a Routine: Dogs, like humans, thrive on routines. Take your Toy Poodle outside at regular intervals, especially after eating, drinking, or waking up.
  • Choose a Designated Spot: Select a specific area in your yard or during your walks where your pup can relieve themselves. Encourage them to use this spot consistently.
  • Praise and Reward: When your Toy Poodle does their business in the right spot, shower them with praise and treats. Positive reinforcement is the key to success.
  • Be Patient: Understand that accidents will happen, especially during the learning phase. Be patient, avoid scolding, and clean up any messes calmly and thoroughly.

Obedience Training

Obedience training lays the foundation for a well-behaved Toy Poodle. It not only helps in preventing problem behaviors but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.

The basic commands that you should be establishing with your pup early on are as follows:

  • Sit: Teaching your Toy Poodle to sit is one of the most fundamental commands. Hold a treat above their head and slowly move it back, causing them to sit. Reward with the treat and praise when they comply.
  • Stay: Start with the Sit command, then take a step back. If your pup stays put, reward and praise. Gradually increase the distance as they improve.
  • Come: Encourage your Toy Poodle to come to you by calling their name and using a cheerful voice. Reward and praise them when they respond.
  • Down: Teach them to lie down on command by luring them with a treat. You know the drill by now, but praise and reward them if they comply.


Socializing your Toy Poodle is vital to ensure that they grow up to be confident and well-adjusted dogs.

Exposing them to different people, animals, and environments helps prevent fear and anxiety in new situations.

Some great tips for socializing your Toy Poodle could include:

  • Positive Experiences: Introduce your pip to new experiences with positivity and treats. Gradually increase the level of challenge as they become more comfortable.
  • Dog Parks and Playdates: Encourage playtime with other dogs in a safe and controlled environment. This can help to build social skills.
  • Exposure to People: Invite friends and family over to interact with your Toy Poodle. This will help them become more comfortable around different individuals.
how to train a toy poodle

Fun And Tricks

Training should not be all about obedience; it’s also about having fun with your Toy Poodle in a way that provides mental stimulation.

Engaging in playful activities and teaching tricks can be a delightful bonding experience.

Some of the tricks that your Toy Poodle should excel at include the high five, a spin, playing dead, and fetch.

If your dog seems uninterested in learning tricks, you can use higher-value treats (something that is tastier) and also make sure you keep your training sessions short and sweet.

Puppies, in particular, aren’t going to have great attention spans, so once they get disinterested, it’s okay to stop.

Common Behavioral Issues

Even well-trained Toy Poodles may encounter behavioral issues from time to time.

For example, Toy Poodles are known for their strong attachment to their owners, which can sometimes lead to separation Anxiety.

If your pip experiences these issues, you can start with short absences and gradually increase the time that you’re away.

Create a positive association with your departure by offering treats or toys when you leave.

Toy Poodles can also be particularly vocal. To control excessive barking, use commands like “quiet” or teach them to grab a pillow or toy when they are stressed instead of barking.

It can also be helpful to address the root cause of this stress, such as boredom or anxiety.

Finally, if your Toy Poodle displays aggressive behavior, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

Aggression can stem from fear, anxiety, or territorial issues and should be addressed by an expert.

Final Thoughts

Training your Toy Poodle is a rewarding task filled with love and lifelong companionship. Remember, patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are your best allies in raising a well-behaved pup.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to potty train a Toy Poodle?

Potty training can take several weeks to a few months, depending on your Toy Poodle’s age, consistency in your training, and individual personality.

When should I start obedience training my Toy Poodle?

It’s best to start obedience training early, ideally when your Toy Poodle is around 8-12 weeks old.

Early training sets a strong foundation for good behavior and helps them adapt to your commands and expectations.

Sharon Isaacs