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Housetraining A Dog That Won’t Potty Outside

Has your dog struggled with housetraining? Maybe they were doing well but you have noticed a backward step and now they won’t go potty outside? Or do they need more training?

Whatever the reason is, we have the answers for you!

Housetraining A Dog That Won’t Go Toilet Outside

Housetraining a dog can be tricky and the time it takes varies from dog to dog. But when they won’t go to the bathroom outside, it can be super frustrating.

Typically, these dogs will wait around outside, and as soon as they are indoors, they assume the pose! 

Knowing how to stop this can be a real worry, and this is where we come in to help.

Today we have a brief guide that will walk you through house training a dog that won’t go potty outside. Let’s dive in and get you the answers you need now! 

Housetraining A Dog 

The situation we referred to earlier where your dog won’t go potty outside is known as reverse housetraining.

There are a few behaviors you can look out for that suggest your dog is reverse housetraining. These include: 

  • Your dog came from a compromised background like hoarding or a puppy mill
  • Your dog has lived entirely indoors and is not comfortable outside
  • Your dog lived entirely outside and has had negative experiences outside 

Now these aren’t the only times that we see reverse housetraining, but are the most common! So what can you do about it? 

Well, with some consistency, patience, and commitment, you can nip reverse housetraining in the bud. We have three steps you can follow to do this too, check them out now. 

Step 1 – Create A Confinement Area

First, you want to create a small, outdoor confinement area. This can be made with a playpen or crate and your dog should always be supervised in the area. 

Begin first thing in the morning. Take your dog outside immediately and place them in their pen. Stand a few feet away ignoring your dog and set a timer for ten minutes. 

As your dog hasn’t relieved itself overnight, they will likely go within ten minutes. Praise your dog and reward it with food as soon as they are done.

If your dog does not go potty, bring them back indoors. Keep them confined, tethered to you with a leash, or under supervision.

If they try to go potty indoors, interrupt them and put them back in the confinement area. Repeat this until they relieve themselves outside. 

If your dog is struggling you can add some potty pads to the pen or a strip of laminate or carpet. 

Step 2 – Wean Your Dog From The Area

Wean Your Dog From The Area

If the confinement area works for your lifestyle, you can keep using it. We recommend this if you don’t have a fenced yard. If not, you can start to wean your dog from the area. 

Begin by removing any flooring or pads added. Gradually make them smaller and then take them away.

You can then leave the pen door open and remove it altogether and your dog becomes more comfortable outside. 

Remember that your dog will respond well to treats and positive reinforcement, so when it goes to the potty where you want it to, be sure to make a fuss.

Step 3 – Complete The Process 

For this to work long-term, you must not let indoor accidents go unnoticed. You have given your dog a space outside where they are rewarded for going potty, so you must make sure there is consistency. 

Watch your dog carefully indoors and move them outside when you can see they are looking to go to the bathroom. 

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, three steps that will allow you to housetrain a dog that is reverse housetraining.

Be sure to keep consistent with this and to reward your dog every time they go outside to potty and you are sure to see results within a few weeks! 

Sharon Isaacs